Lugnt i Homna efter att två vargar skjutits
Two Grey wolf (mostly white/tan colored) share a tender moment together for portrait in Yellowstone National Park (USA). The wolf is a large canine native to Eurasia and North America. The banded fur of a wolf is usually mottled white, brown, gray, and black. The wolf is known for cooperative game hunting as shown by its physical adaptations to tackling large prey, its social behavior including individual or group howling. It travels in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair accompanied by their offspring. The situation that made this photo possible was the take down of an elk or mule deer in a nearby river. With hunting allowed in states around the park these wolves are in danger. This is in the northern part of the park, in Montana and in northwestern United States of America (USA). nearest cities are Bozeman and Billings, Montana. Other fly in locations are Salt Lake City, Utah and Denver, Colorado. John Morrison Photographer

Skyddsjakten på två vargar gav önskad effekt i hälsingebyn Homna med omnejd. Den tredje närgångna vargen har inte visat sig nära bebyggelse och djurhagar.

Det var under hösten och vintern som tre vargar började söka föda bland hus och gårdar i byn Homna och omkringliggande byar i Hälsingland.